The meaning behind the name True Spirit Healing Arts

All sessions available by Skype/Zoom, phone or in person

Many times in life we have either done things to ourselves, or have had events happen that have led us away from our true selves. When you lose apart of yourself life feels less fulfilling, and we seem to feel nothing goes right  for us, life is hard, and are usually unsure of ourselves and future, which can make us feel stuck, anxious, depressed and a general feeling like life is not in your control. Sometimes we accept this for a while, and  tend look for answers outside of ourselves or make someone else in charge of our happiness and fulfillment,  but in reality we need to look inward and address these reasons of why we may have abandoned ourselves or gave up our power to others.

My intent with this avenue of healing is to bring you back to your true authentic self, the person you were before all the societal programming , or patterned beliefs from ancestry and childhood. When you can understand,  remove or change these perceptions of how you are supposed to be to who you were born to be it will change the way you interact with the world, and bring about noticeble  positive change in your life while also feeling a sense of contentment, personal power and fulfillment.

I currently offer full wellness services in body , mind and soul, encompassing inner and outer beauty and am very passionate about helping people transform their lives and realize their dreams by identifying and removing blocks and past issues, promoting healing, and providing inner peace and clarity. The results from hypnotherapy and coaching combined can be amazingly transformative and I’m excited to work with you in any area in your life! Please check out my testimonial pages to see how I’ve been able to help people from providing inner clarity to smoking cessation, weight loss and much more 🙂

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Reach out, consultations are free!


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A big fan of yours